Title: Blind Fandom and pairing: SNSD; Sooyoung/Yoona Prompt: quote, post 1 Summary: Temporarily blinded in an accident, Yoona stays at a hospital where she befriends Sooyoung, who hopes Yoona will never have to see her face.
Title: Parting Fandom and pairing: f(x), Luna/Krystal Prompt: image and text Summary: The Sunday before school starts back, Luna meets Krystal at the park behind their neighborhood.
Title: The end of summer Fandom and pairing: D-Unit, Ram/Zin Prompt: Quote Warnings: N/A Summary: AU; Wooram wakes up with a girlfriend she's never met.
Title: casting shadows where they shouldn't be Fandom and pairing: f(x); sulli/krystal Prompt: wildcard prompt Warnings: n/a Summary: soojung is not used to the wonders of a working camera.
Title: Gotta Keep Movin' Fandom and pairing: f(x), none Prompt: Image Warnings: Mention of character death Summary: Krystal and Victoria are on the run.